3rd Grade
April 3 - 28, 2024
Topic: Sounds of Spring
Standards Addressed:
1b: Sing expressively with dynamics and interpretation.
1c: Sing songs from memory.
1e: Sing in groups, following a conductor.
Learning about different composers and cultures.
Listening to and critiquing musical performances.
Learning Targets:
1. Students will practice performing on stage.
2. Students will sing songs from memory.
3. Students will perform songs in front of an audience.
4. Students will critique their own performance as well as other class's performances.
5. Students will sing with their proper singing voice, with supported volume, and expression.
6. Students will demonstrate proper theater etiquette.
Classroom Activities:
* Sounds of Spring Lesson
- Learn about Vivaldi, Bach, Tchaikovsky, Rimsy-Korsokov, Beethoven, and Saint-Saens
- Listen and critique music
- Play on instruments alone and with others
- Read various rhythms and musical notation
- Write using musical terminology thoughts about the pieces they listen to in class