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4th Grade

February 28 - March 10, 2023

Topic: Instrument Families 

Standards Taught: 

1a: Sing independently in rhythm

6e: While listening to music, move to show changes in music

7a: Create standards for evaluating performances

9c: Describe what makes certain music suitable for certain use

Learning Targets: 

1. Students will be able to list the instrument families.

2. Students will be able to identify the different instruments found in each instrument family.

3. Students will identify by listening what instrument is playing. 

4. Students will sing using their proper singing voices. 

5. Students will sing songs from memory. 

Classroom Activities: 


Instrument Family Unit

- Go over the instrument families: String, Woodwind, Brass, and Percussion

-Discuss why the instruments are in each family: what do they have in common? 

- Watch and listen to professionals performing on the instruments (video clips) 

- Assessment Game: have students listen to a piece of music and move to the room where the instrument name that they think is playing is listed 

Spring Showcase

- Review spring showcase songs

- Sing from memory

- Proper singing voice

Recorder Unit

- Continue in Recorder Karate workbook

- Twinkle Twinkle

- Old Macdonald 

Topic: Instrument Families, World Music

Standards Taught: 

1c: Sing form memory songs from diverse cultures

6b: Describe music by moving to it

6c: Use appropriate terms to explain music performances

6d: Identify the sounds of various instruments. 

Learning Targets: 

1. Students will be able to listen to and identify the instruments of the String family, the Woodwind family, the Brass family, and the percussion family.

2. Students will learn songs from different cultures. 

3. Students will learn about Ireland, France, Scotland, Africa, Brazil, and Australia and others.

4. Students will move to show what they hear in the music. 

5. Students will come up with their own movements for what they hear in the music. 

6. Students will sing using their singing voices.

7. Students will sing songs from memory. 

Classroom Activities: 



- The String family 

Continue with the Instrument Family Unit

- The Woodwind Family

- The Brass Family

- The Percussion Family

Play listening assessment game

World Music


- Rattling Bog

- Oh Danny Boy


- Loch Lomond 


- Au Clair de la Lune

- Recorders


- Kookaburra

- Waltzing Matilda 


- Discuss drumming

- Play rhythms on African drums

Discuss other countries and their music: Asia (Japan, China), Germany, Russia, South America, Mexico

Spring Showcase

- keep working on memorizing pieces

- "I Won't Grow Up"

- Xylophone piece: "Crunchy, Crunchy, Crunchy" 

Recorder Unit

- Continue working on Recorder Karate

- "Twinkle Twinkle" on recorder for spring showcase

If more time is needed, music game (music 4 corners, etc.) 

March 21 - April 1, 2022

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