2nd Grade
November 29 - December 6, 2022
Rehearsal for Home for the Holidays program!
December 6 - 16, 2022
Topic: Form, Ostinatos, Rhythm, Movement, Melody, Culture
Standards Taught:
1a: Sing independently in rhythm
1b: Sing expressively with appropriate dynamics.
2a: Play instruments with appropriate dynamics.
2b: Perform rhythms on appropriate instruments
5a: Read quarter notes and eighth notes in duple meter
5c: Identify and use symbols and terms for dynamics
6c: Use appropriate terms to explain music
6e: While listening to music, move to show changes in music
8b: Identify ways music relates to language arts
9c: Identify uses of music in everyday life
Learning Targets:
1. Students will be able to understand and demonstrate classroom rules and procedures.
2. Students will sing using their singing voices.
3. Students will match pitch.
4.Students will be able to read and identify various rhythms using quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests.
5. Students will perform on instruments using proper playing techniques.
6. Students will be able to compose their own rhythms using what they've learned in class.
7. Students will complete three music assessments to "show what they know."
8. Students will learn about Hanukah and different holiday celebrations around the world
9. Students will perform a folk dance.
10. Students will be able to identify the musical form of a song and come up with their own movements to show the A section and B section.
11. Students will be able to define what a Fermata is in music.
12. Students will be able to identify how many beats are in a measure of music.
Classroom Activities:
Hello There Vocal Warm-up Song
Step in Time
John Kanaka - if class hasn't completed folk dance yet
New Songs
Chanukah is Here
Come Running, You Shepherds
It's Santa, Again!
Jingle Bells
- Discuss Hanukah and different holiday celebrations around the world
Musical Form
- "But the Cat Came Back"
- Listen and follow along to the song
- Discuss the different parts
- Have students come up with their own different movements to show the A section, Fermata, and B section
- Look at the songs we performed in class
- Find the Time Signature
- Discuss how many beats are in a measure (what is a measure?)
- Time Signature Toast Game
If more time is needed, Holiday Music on Boom Whackers or Xylophone
- Jingle Bells
- Jolly Old Saint Nicholas