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4th Grade 

January 3 - 13, 2023

Topic: Bucket Drumming, Meter/Time Signature

Standards Taught:

1a: Sing/speak independently in rhythm

2a: Play instruments with appropriate dynamics.

2b: Perform rhythms on appropriate instruments

5a: Read quarter notes and eighth notes in duple meter

5c: Identify and use symbols and terms for dynamics

6c: Use appropriate terms to explain music

8b: Identify ways music relates to language arts

9c: Identify uses of music in everyday life

Learning Targets:

1. Students will perform various rhythms on bucket drums. 

2. Students will be able to identify eighth notes, quarter notes, quarter rests, and sixteenth notes. 

3. Students will be able to speak each rhythm. 

4. Students will identify musical notation (repeats, dynamics, etc.) 

5. Students will be able to identify the time signature of a piece of music. 

6. Students will be able to identify how many beats are in a measure of music. 

7. Students will be able to identify the musical form of a piece. 

Classroom Activities: 



Bucket Drums 

- Go over bucket drum playing procedures

- Review quarter notes, quarter rests, eighth notes, and sixteenth notes. 

- Go over the different sounds you can play on the bucket

Bucket Drumming 101 and 102 Activity Powerpoint 

Meter/ Time Signature (if class has not completed activity) 

- Meter/Time Signature powerpoint

- Time Signature Toast Game 


- Review notes

- Twinkle Twinkle 

- Go on in Recorder Karate Lesson 

Beat Buddy Challenge if time is needed

- Passing beat buddies to a steady beat around the room

Topic: Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Solfege, Musical Notation, Melody

Standards Taught:

1a: Sing/speak independently in rhythm

2b: Perform melodies on appropriate instruments

5a: Read rhythms in quadruple meter

6c: Use appropriate terms to explain music

8b: Identify ways music relates to social studies

9c: Identify uses of music in everyday life

Learning Targets:

1. Students will discuss Martin Luther King Jr. and why he was an important figure in American History.

2. Students will sing three songs from the Civil Right Movement era and discuss their importance. 

3. Students will sing a major scale using solfege and solfege hand signals. 

4. Students will sing a song while using solfege hand signals. 

5. Students will perform on boomwhackers and be able to identify what note they have and solfege sign. 

6. Students will perform on recorders using both hands, cover holes, and use slow, warm air. 

Classroom Activities:


Martin Luther King Jr. 

- Discuss Martin Luther King Day

- Why was Martin Luther King important to America?

- What is segregation? 

- What was the Civil Rights Movement?

- Identify other important member of the Civil Rights movement and discuss how they helped inspire others. 

"We Shall Not Be Moved"

"Keep Your Eyes on the Prize"

" I Have a Dream" 

Whacky Do Re Mi

- Review solfege and sofege hand signs

- Sing through "Whacky Do Re Mi"

- Add movements

- Add boomwhackers

- Have students identify what solfege and note their boomwhacker is 


- Continue in Recorder Karate book/lesson

If more time is needed:

Beat Buddy Challenge 

January 17 - 27, 2023

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