4th Grade
August 12-23 2024
Topic: Welcome to Music Class
Standards Taught:
(Assessing their own performance using beat and rhythm)
MU.4.S.1.3 (creating)
Learning Targets:
1. Students will be able to understand and demonstrate classroom rules and procedures.
2. Students will sing using their singing voices.
3. Students will match pitch.
4. Students will learn a sign language song(s)
5. Students will perform rhythms to a steady beat accurately
6. Students will create rhythm compositions.
Classroom Activities:
Welcome to Music Class!
Review classroom rules/expectations, and procedures
Practice procedures
Music Class Jeopardy Game
Solfege singing warm-up with hand signals
Sign Language
"Grand Old Flag"
"America the Beautiful"
If more time is needed, Rhythm Stick Line Dance or Beat Buddy Challenge