May 1 - 5, 2024
Final rehearsals and run-throughs in the theater for Showcase!
After show is finished, movie reward in the theater for a job well done.
May 8 - June 2, 2024
Topic: Music Centers (High and Low, Loud and Soft)
Standards Addressed:
MU. K. O.1.1
Learning Objectives:
1. Students will find and maintain a steady beat.
2. Students will participate in music centers (High and Low Sounds, Loud and Soft Sounds)
3. Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of high and low sounds and loud and soft sounds, through working on activities in each center and completing assessments.
4. Students will sing and move to music.
Classroom Activities:
Beat Buddy Exercise - finding and maintaining a steady beat
Music Centers
Day One: High and Low Sounds Centers
- Worksheet center 1
- Worksheet center 2
- Coloring center
- Sorting center
Day Two (once previous center activities are completed): Steady Beat Centers
- Worksheet center
- Instrument center
- Coloring center
- Assessment center
Day Three: Fast and Slow
- Worksheet center
- Instrument and sorting center
- Coloring center
- Assessment center
Summer Rhythm Bingo or Instrument Bingo Games once centers is finished
If more time is needed:
ABC Rock
Doggy Doggy Music Game