January 23 - February 3, 2024
Topic: Verse and Refrain, Steady Beat
Standards Taught:
1c: Sing from memory songs from diverse cultures
1b: sing expressively with appropriate interpretation
6a: Listen to and identify form
6b: Describe music by moving to it and answering questions about it.
6e: While listening to music, move to show changes in the music
8b: Identify ways music relates to other school subjects.
9a: Listen to and identify music from different cultures
Learning Targets:
1. Students will be able to identify verse and refrain.
2. Students will discuss the mood of of a rainstorm in a song.
3. Students will find and maintain a steady beat while listening to a piece of music.
4. Students will be able to identify the A section and the B section of a song.
5. Students will be able to identify a step verses a skip.
6. Students will listen to a story and add rhythm accompaniment.
7. Students will perform on various percussion instruments.
Classroom Activities:
Beat Buddies - steady beat
Xylophone Activity (if class hasn't done it yet)
"I am the Music Man"
"A Ram Sam Sam"
"A Root Chy Cha"
New Songs
"Little Red Caboose"
"5 Little Chickadees"
"A Good Old Happy Song"
"Shanghai Chicken"
- Verse and refrain
- Poem "Last Night I Dreamed of Chickens"
- Japanese Rain Song
- Play the steady beat on a drum on section A
- Play the rhythm on sticks on section B
- Make the sticks sound like gentle rain
"Pin Pon"
- Steps and Skips
"When Step Met Skip" Book/Story
"Pete the Cat and the Perfect Pizza Party"
- Listen to the story
- Add rhythm accompaniment on percussion instruments
Other rhythm activities Review
- Rhythm Land
- My Pony Macaroni
- Hands Like This
If more time is needed, music game
Topic: Celebrate Valentine's Day, C Major Scale, Expression, Fast and Slow Tempos, Rhythm Patterns using quarter notes and eighth notes
Standards Taught:
2b: Perform rhythms on appropriate instruments.
5a: Read quarter notes and eighth notes in 4/4 meter
6b: Describe music by moving to it
8b: Identify ways music relates to language arts and science.
Learning Targets:
1. Students will sing using their singing voices.
2. Students will find and maintain a steady beat.
3. Students will learn and perform a line dance for Valentine's day.
4. Students will play a C Major scale on the xylophones.
5. Students will sing songs from memory.
Classroom Activities:
Beat Buddies
Rhythm Land
- Over the Deep Blue Sea
- 5 Chickadees (kindergarten)
- Shanghai Chicken (1st)
- Go Bananas
New Songs
- "Making Valentines"
- "Valentine's Dance"
* Line dance, steady beat, following directions
- "Popcorn popping (getting ready for Spring)
Pete the Cat and the Perfect Pizza Party
- Read story if class has not already done so
- Teach party song
- Add Xylophones
- Play C Major scale using names of pizza toppings
Spring Showcase
- Begin working on Spring Showcase songs (memorizing)
If more time is needed, music game, music valentines, etc.