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3rd Grade

August 12-23 2024

Topic: Welcome to Music Class

Standards Taught:

2a: Play instruments in rhythm

5a: Read quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests in duple meter

6d: Identify the sounds of instruments from various cultures

9c: Identify uses of music in everyday life

Learning Targets: 

1. Students will be able to understand and demonstrate classroom rules and procedures. 

2. Students will sing using their singing voices. 

3. Students will match pitch. 

4. Students will learn a sign language song

5. Students will perform to a steady beat accurately 

6. Students will create rhythm compositions. 

Classroom Activities:

Welcome to Music!

Go over classroom rules/expectations and procedures

- Practice rules/expectations and procedures

Music Class Jeopardy Game

Rhythm Stick Line Dance

Bar Basic Words for Xylophones

Solfege vocal warm-up with hand signs

Finger warm-ups for recorder preparation 

* Grand Ol' Flag in sign language 

"Three Little Birds" Red book page 42 

- sign language 

If more time is needed, rhythm land activity or Beat Buddy Challenge 

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