3rd Grade

August 30 - September 8, 2024
Topic: Rhythm and Reading Music
Standards Taught:
1a: Sing independently maintaining a steady beat.
2a: Play instruments in rhythm
5a: Read quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests in duple meter
6d: Identify the sounds of instruments from various cultures
9c: Identify uses of music in everyday life
Learning Targets:
1. Students will be able to understand and demonstrate classroom rules and procedures.
2. Students will sing using their singing voices.
3. Students will match pitch.
4. Students will review a sign language song
5. Students will play on instruments
6. Students will be able to identify quarter notes, eighth notes, quarter rests, and sixteenth notes.
7. Students will be able to perform various rhythms using body percussion and/or instruments
Classroom Activities:
Go over classroom rules/expectations and procedures
- Practice rules/expectations and procedures
Solfege vocal warm-up with hand signs
Review Songs
"Three Little Birds"
"Grand Old Flag"
New Songs:
"Frog in the Millpond" - quarter notes, eighth notes, quarter rests
"Ding, Dong, Diggidiggidong" - sixteenth notes
"Mister Ram Goat-O"
"Black Snake"
"John Kanaka"
Rhythm Quiz assessment
Rhythm Baseball Game
Reading Treble Clef (if time)
- Start with space notes (F,A,C,E)
- Treble Clef Baseball
- Treble Clef Chalk activity (?)
If more time is needed, a quick music game
Topic: Rhythm and Reading Music
Standards Taught:
1a: Sing independently maintaining a steady beat.
2a: Play instruments in rhythm
5a: Read quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests in duple meter
6d: Identify the sounds of instruments from various cultures
9c: Identify uses of music in everyday life
Learning Targets:
1. Students will be able to understand and demonstrate classroom rules and procedures.
2. Students will sing using their singing voices.
3. Students will match pitch.
4. Students will play on instruments
5. Students will be able to identify quarter notes, eighth notes, quarter rests, and sixteenth notes.
6. Students will be able to perform various rhythms using body percussion and/or instruments
7. Students will be able to identify the line and space notes on a Treble Clef.
8. Students will be able to distinguish steady beat versus rhythm.
9. Students will be able to identify ties and slurs in music.
Classroom Activities:
Solfege vocal warm-up with hand symbols
New Songs:
"Go Around the Corn Sally" - Steady beat versus rhythm
* Have students play in two parts on instruments: team steady beat, team rhythm
* Discuss what was easy or difficult for them
"I Don't Care if the Rain Comes Down" - Quarter notes, eighth notes, half notes, quarter rests, half rests
- Xylophone activity (if time)
"Black Snake" - ties versus slurs in music
"Ding Dong Diggidiggidong"
- Drum activity
Rhythm Quiz Assessment
Reading Treble Clef
- Go over the space notes (FACE)
- Go over the line notes (EGBDF)
- Treble Clef baseball
- Treble clef quick identification game
If more time is needed, review rhythms and Rhythm Baseball