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2nd Grade

Topic: Folk Dance, Rhythm and Movement, Steady Beat

Standards Taught:

1a: Sing independently in rhythm

2a: Play instruments with appropriate dynamics.

2b: Perform rhythms on appropriate instruments

5a: Read quarter notes and eighth notes in duple meter

5c: Identify and use symbols and terms for dynamics

6c: Use appropriate terms to explain music

6e: While listening to music, move to show changes in music

8b: Identify ways music relates to language arts

9c: Identify uses of music in everyday life

Learning Targets: 

1. Students will find and maintain a steady beat while listening to a piece of music. 

2. Students will sing with their singing voices. 

3. Student will move to the beat and perform on rhythm sticks while doing a line dance. 

4. Students will understand how folk dancing is important to music history. 

5. Students will learn and perform a folk dance. 

Classroom Activities: 


"Hello There" Vocal Warm-up

Beat Buddies

- Explain what the beat buddies are

- Go over beat buddy rules 

- Listen to a piece of music and follow along with a steady beat using the beat buddies 

"This Leg, That Leg" 

- Singing game with beat buddies

Rhythm Stick Line Dance

- rhythm and movement 

- YMCA with rhythm sticks 

Patty Cake Polka

- Talk about folk dancing and music class

- Go over the steps and beats

- Practice at a slower tempo

- Perform at full speed tempo once comfortable 

(If class has completed Patty Cake Polka, move on to another folk dance: Tideo, Shake the Simmons Down, etc.)

If more time is needed, Doggy Doggy Music Game


Topic: Celebrate Martin Luther King, Singing Games, Steady Beat, Solfege

Standards Taught:

1a: Sing independently in rhythm

2a: Play instruments with appropriate dynamics.

2b: Perform rhythms on appropriate instruments

5a: Read quarter notes and eighth notes in duple meter

6c: Use appropriate terms to explain music

8b: Identify ways music relates to Social Studies

Learning Targets: 

1. Students will find and maintain a steady beat while listening to a piece of music. 

2. Students will sing with their singing voices. 

3. Student will learn and sing a singing game. 

4. Students will learn about Martin Luther King and the Civil rights movement and sing songs from that era.

5. Students will learn and perform the singing game song on the xylopones.

6. Students will sing and sign a solfege song.

Classroom Activities: 


Beat Buddies - Steady Beat, following the leader

Martin Luther King Jr. 

- "Who was Martin Luther King?"

- "Why is he an important figure in American History?"

- "Why did we celebrate him on Monday January 17th?" 

"Kid Like Me"

"Free At Last" 

Whacky Do Re Mi

- Solfege

Rain on the Green Grass

- Learn song 

- Play the singing game that goes with it

- Practice body percussion parts

- Add Xylophone accompaniment 

If more time is needed, Doggy Doggy Music Game or Rhythm Land for steady beat practice

January 17 - 27, 2023

January 3 - 13, 2023

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