1st Grade
October 30 - November 3, 2023
Topic: Steady Beat, Form (Call and Response), Melody (High/Low Sounds), Rhythms
Standards Taught:
1b: Sing expressively with appropriate dynamics
6b: Describe music by moving to it and answering questions about it
6c: Use appropriate terms to explain music
8b: Identify ways music relates to language arts.
9c: Identify uses of music in everyday life.
Learning Targets:
1. Students will learn and be able to demonstrate classroom rules and procedures.
2. Students will sing using their singing voices.
3. Students will match pitch to the best of their ability.
4. Students will learn and demonstrate the difference between loud and soft sounds
5. Students will move to music to show differences in sounds
6. Students will perform on various percussion instruments and be able to identify them.
7. Students will be able to identify quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests.
8. Students will be able to identify rhythm patterns by just listening.
10. Students will be able to compose and perform their own 4 beat rhythm patterns.
Classroom Activities:
Review Songs:
5 Little Pumpkins
Whisper, Talk, Shout, Sing
Here Comes Valerie
Head, Shoulders, Baby 123
Pumpkin, Pumpkin
Number One, Touch Your Tongue
New Songs:
"Mashed Potatoes" - Call and Response
"Little Green Frog" - High/Low Sounds
Frog - Poem
Leaves Dance Up and Down - Big Book Page 10
Leaves Poem
Freight Train
Shanghai Chicken
We're Making Popcorn
Body Percussion
* Spooky, Scary, Skeletons
* Halloween Songs with Boomwhackers
* Skeleton Song
* Steady beat, playing in parts, following music
Pass the Pumpkin music game
Rhythm Project
- Have students write a rhythm then decorate it
- Take home :)
- Assessment (2 beat rhythm, or 4 beat rhythm)
Spooky rhythms
* Identifying Ta and Ti Ti and shh!
* Assessment
Steady Beat with sticks and/or Beat Buddies
- Finding the beat
- Maintaining the steady beat
- Following the leader
- Finding steady beat independently
- Assessment
Jingle Jam
* Continue working on showcase music
* Story book, song, steady beat activity with xylophones
If more time is needed, music game
Topic: Loud and Soft Dynamics, High and Low Sounds, Steady Beat, Rhythm
Standards Taught:
1b: Sing expressively with appropriate dynamics
2e: Play instruments in groups, following a conductor
4a: Compose music to accompany dramatizations
6b: Describe music by moving to it and answering questions about it
6c: Use appropriate terms to explain music
8b: Identify ways music relates to language arts.
9c: Identify uses of music in everyday life.
Learning Targets:
1. Students will demonstrate classroom rules and procedures.
2. Students will sing using their singing voices.
3. Students will match pitch to the best of their ability.
4. Students will learn and demonstrate the difference between loud and soft sounds
5. Students will move to music to show differences in sounds
6. Students will perform on various percussion instruments and be able to identify them.
7. Students will be able to find and maintain a steady beat as and group and individually.
8. Students will be able to demonstrate sing, speak, whisper, shout voices.
9. Students will be able to identify high sounds, middle sounds, and low sounds.
10. Students will sing and perform songs from memory.
11. Students will be able to identify quarter notes and eighth notes.
Classroom Activities:
Welcome, Hello There warm-up song
Review Songs:
Peanut Butter
Looby Loo
Head and Shoulders
John Kanaka - Easy Folk Dance
New Songs
Shanghai Chicken
We're Making Popcorn
Bluebird Bluebird
Steady Beat with sticks and/or the Beat Buddies
- Maintaining steady rhythm
- Following the Leader
- Finding a steady beat on your own
- Arkansas Traveler
- Assessment
High and Low (Xylophones?)
Use Beat Buddies to help students see where high notes are on the xylophone vs. low notes
"Wee Willy Winky"
"Hot Spicy Tacos"
- Body percussion, add mallets
- Go over xylophone playing procedures
- Talk about how careful we are playing xylophones
Quarter Notes and Eighth Notes
* Show what a quarter note looks like "Ta"
* Show what a eighth note looks like "Ti Ti"
* Clap various rhythms
* Draw quarter notes and eighth notes and decorate drawings
Pick the Apple Rhythm activity
* Teacher will play a rhythm
* Students will work in teams to find the card the teacher played!
* Listening, identifying rhythms
Holiday Highlights
* Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
If time is needed, music game