2nd Grade
August 12-23 2024
Topic: Welcome to Music Class
Standards Taught:
1b: Sing expressively with appropriate dynamics.
2a: Play instruments with appropriate dynamics.
5c: Identify and use symbols and terms for dynamics
6c: Use appropriate terms to explain music
6e: While listening to music, move to show changes in music
8b: Identify ways music relates to language arts
Learning Targets:
1. Students will be able to understand and demonstrate classroom rules and procedures.
2. Students will sing using their singing voices.
3. Students will match pitch.
4. Students will be able to identify dynamics in music
5. Students will learn a sign language song
6. Students will read a story and provide appropriate instrument accompaniment.
Classroom Activities:
Welcome to Music!
Go over and review music classroom rules and procedures.
- Practice rules and procedures
Music Class Jeopardy Game
Beat Buddies
- Keeping a steady beat
- Following the leader
"Hello There" - Echo singing and matching pitch
"Riddle Ree" - Movement and rhythm
Rhythm Land Activity - moving to the beat
Rhythms Stick Line Dance
Go over Bar Basic Words for Xylophones
No Bears Out Tonight with Xylophones (depending on behavior)
Down by the Cool of the Pool
- Body percussion
- Playing at the appropriate time
- Steady Beat
- Percussion instruments
If more time is needed, a music game