3rd Grade
January 23 - February 3, 2023
Topic: Rhythm patterns, Ballads, Tempo Change
Standards Taught:
1a: Sing independently in rhythm
1c: Sing from memory songs from diverse cultures
2f: Play instruments independently again contrasting parts
3c: Improvise rhythmic variations on familiar melodies
6e: While listening to music, move to show changes in music
7a: Create standards for evaluating performances
9c: Describe what makes certain music suitable for certain uses
Learning Targets:
1. Students will learn about and be able to identify a ballad.
2. Students will listen and learn multiple songs in Spanish and in English.
3. Students will work in groups to perform rhythmic variations from the song "Don Gato."
4. Students will create different ways to say, sing, or speak the word "meow" that is in the song "Don Gato" and perform for the class (high voice, low voice, on instruments, funny voice, different dynamics, etc.)
5. Students will evaluate the performances of their peers constructively.
Classroom Activities:
Don Gato
- Sing rhythms accurately in a song from Mexico
- Discuss Mexican Culture
- Mariachi Band
- Listen to the ballad of Don Gato
- "Could this story be real? Why or why not?"
- Go over the "meow" part of the song
- Practice different ways to say "meow"
- Split into groups and have each group decide how they are going to perform the "meow" part.
- Groups perform for class
- Peer evaluation
La Pinata
- Mexican Culture
- Discuss how the music sounds similar or different to Don Gato
Zumba, Zumba
- Instruments
* Cymbals
* Gong
* Timbal
* Tambourine
* Drum
- Have students perform on instruments at the appropriate time during the song
- "What is this song talking about?"
- "When would this song typically be played?" (around what holiday)
- Continue in recorder karate
- Lazlo Learns Recorder Book
Topic: Celebrate Black History Month
Standards Taught:
1a: Sing independently on pitch
1b: Sing expressively with appropriate interpretation
2f: Play instruments independently against contrasting parts
6c: Use appropriate terms to explain music and music notation
9d: Describe the role of music in various cultures
Learning Targets:
1. Students will discuss the importance of Black History Month.
2. Students will be able to identify important people in African American history.
3. Students will learn about the Underground Railroad and what it was.
4. Students will be able to identify what an African American Spiritual is.
5. Students will perform on various instruments.
6. Students will play counter melodies on instruments.
7. Students will sing with proper posture and with expression.
Classroom Activities:
"Now Let Me Fly"
- African American Spiritual
- Meaning of spirituals - often use metaphors, or symbolic words, in their texts. "Now Let Me Fly" could be talking about going to Heaven or running away from slavery.
- Where would you go if you could fly?
- D. C. al Fine (review)
"Follow the Drinking Gourd"
- Watch story clip
- Learn song
- Xylophones
"A Ram Sam Sam"
- Folk song from Morocco (Africa)
- Xylophone accompaniment
"Great Day"
- African American Spiritual
- Body Percussion
- Call and Response (easy way to learn a song)
*Split class into 2 groups to try it out
- Recorder Part
"One Morning Soon"
- African American Spiritual
- What is your morning routine?
African Drumming
- Talk about African drums and how drumming is important in African culture
- Play various rhythms together (African drumming rhythms)
- Continue working on recorder karate unit
If more time is needed, a music game